The Virtue of Virtual 

One of Brosna’s primary career transition coaching services is to provide intensive interview preparation for individuals who have a significant upcoming short-list job interview.

We work with many very talented individuals embarking upon an important career transition and seeking new career opportunities. However even the most accomplished individuals can find it a tough and daunting challenge to stand out at interview. Interviewers these days are much better trained, using better pre-assessment technologies and tools, competition for top jobs is ever more demanding and typically other job candidates are themselves better prepared and diligent in articulating their stand-out capabilities. All these factors are inevitably heightened if an individual has been out of the jobs market for some time, has not had a recent formal job interview and is seeking to move across sector, country or global region. 

Over the years Brosna has progressively evolved its specialist approach in coaching individuals to succeed at job or promotion interviews. Apart from the development of our own proprietary and highly bespoke coaching techniques designed to help individuals make impact at interview, we have extended our approach to embrace the latest on-line communications techniques and create a virtual coaching service that can provide instant support for individuals across the world with “just-in-time” interview preparation. 

Our virtual interview preparation service has the following key elements: 

▶️ Wherever you are located, we can rapidly work with you to assess your fit for the role by remotely assessing and identifying where your capabilities match the precise requirements of the targeted role and how to present these in the most compelling way at interview.

▶️ We can respond within a few days to thoroughly prepare you for an interview arising at short notice. In a recent instance involving a candidate with an important job interview in South-East Asia, we first talked about the opportunity with the candidate on a Friday, held two x two hour virtual interview preparation sessions over the weekend and the following week so that the individual was fully prepared for the job interview that took place on the next Friday. On the Monday after, the employing organisation rang the candidate and offered her the job. Responsiveness to short term need is at the heart of what we do in a fast moving and increasingly on-line world.

▶️ We use readily available virtual meeting software to undertake on-line role play interviews that can be recorded, played-back and worked on to improve your interview effectiveness

▶️ We create and share powerful visual techniques on-line to help you rapidly recall critical and relevant examples and achievements in response to tough interview questionnaires.

▶️ We rigorously practice the application of all techniques until you can readily deploy these under interview conditions.

▶️ We can simulate with you what it takes to be effective at an interview that is itself conducted (as many now are) on-line over Skype, Zoom or other comparable platforms

And does it work you may ask? Well our recent experience indicates that with candidates who participate in our intensive interview preparation process, they have an 80% success rate at securing their targeted new role.

So if ... 

▶️ you have an upcoming important job or promotion interview in the diary

▶️ you are worried about how you might come across at the interview 

▶️ you have recently failed to achieve a desired job despite getting through to the short-list stage

▶️ you are located in a region of the world where it is difficult to gain access to quality coaching support at short notice

... you might find it really beneficial to contact us to see how we can help you at short notice.

Please in the first instance email us at to arrange an early call. 

May 2019